Assignment One - Creating A Blog

Students were asked to create a blog in so that all our coursework could be posted in the blog in order to make it easy accessible to others.  Throughout the semester we posted our reading notes, muddiest points, comments on other student's blogs, and links to our assignments.


 Assignment Two - Flickr

Students were asked to upload 10 photos that we would edit and digitize and then place on Flickr for students to view.  We created to version of the photo - the mastercopy and the thumbnail version.

Link to Flickr:

 Assignment Three - Personal Bibliographic Management System

Students were asked to use Zotero to build up three different academic collections of articles from Google Scholar.  After building our article collections we were instructed to import our collections into CiteULike and find three further articles for each collection from CiteULike. My three collections were "History of Librarianship," "Rural Librarianship," and "Digital Libraries."


 Assignment Four - Working with Jing

Students were asked to create a video using Jing and 5 images using the screencapture through Jing.  This was by far my favorite assignment (as you can see that I used Jing to screencapture all of my assignments on the website).  I chose to do a video tutorial using Picasa2 and a screencapture tutorial of how to use the Pitt VPN service.  The video can be found at jing while the screencaptures (shown below) were placed in Flickr.

Link to the video:

Link the to Screencast Collection:


 Assignment Five - Collection Building in Koha ILS

Students were given a trial account in Koha and were asked to build a virtual bookshelf on a topic of our interest.  I chose to do a virtual bookshelf on Public Libraries. 


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